Customer Portal

Latest Version

OffiSign-In v1.59.3
Released: 5/21/2024
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OffiSign-In Remote v1.59.3
Released: 5/21/2024
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Electronic Sign-In

Software Prices

See the Home Page • How It Works tab to see the differences between Software versions

Compatible with Eclipse™ Practice Management software
OffiSign-In™ is subscription based software, more...     Install Fee includes ODBC software

OffiSign-In Eclipse Professional

Install Fee:
Monthly Fee:

OffiSign-In Eclipse

Install Fee:
Monthly Fee:

Hardware Prices

For durability and reliabilty we recommend the Signature Gem models!
We are a third party vendor for the Topaz pads and as such can not offer support for signature pad problems.

SignatureGemLCD4X5: T-LBK766-BHSB-R

$495.00 Info

SignatureGemLCD1X5 (Backlit): T-LBK462-HSB-R

$395.00 Info

SignatureGemLCD1X5: T-L462-HSB-R

$365.00 Info